Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Hello and welcome to my blog

I would like to use this blog as my diary to say and share whatever. I enjoy baking especially trying out new recipes, eating them of course too.  I love crafts and at the moment, my craze is crocheting cute tea cozies, hearts, flowers.  I love gardening but need a big of cash for that and it's a lot of work and it's hard to choose which hobby I want to do.

I have been married to the most amazing man for 20 years, going on 21 years on the 9th June this year.  He is a wonderful husband, friend and lover.  We have 3 amazing children, a daughter aged 18 who is doing her matric this year, a son who is 15 yrs and a "laat lammetjie" who is 5 yrs old.  We are super blessed and grateful to God for His provision, love and grace.

We have 3 dogs, an Airedale named Finnigan, he is 10 years old this year, a Jack Russel named Snippy, she is about 9 years old and a Boston Terrier name Jojo, he is about 2.  3 Cats, they all have girl names, Alice (in wonderland), Cloe and Amy.

I love the sea and the beach, I love walks and spending leisure time with my husband and children, they are loves of my life.  God is first in my life without Him I am nothing...my Father, my redeemer, the one you makes me blossom and bear fruit!

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