My hands always feel a little empty when I have just finished another tea cosy. I like to make something new and unique, each with its own flavour and flair. The inspiration for this tea cosy came simply from a photograph of tea cosies from another blog, no pattern I might add, so I did my best to figure out the pattern and ta-da.(Meaning of “ta-da” - INFORMAL used to suggest the sound of a fanfare: an exclamation of triumph or pride accompanying an announcement, a bow, etc)
I am quite pleased with the outcome, just had to check on some complimenting colours for turquoise and the result, another cute cosy with it’s own eccentricity!
Oh what to do next, I just cannot stop myself, I am having the craziest amount of fun. Then again I guess that is just what hobbies are all about. I looked up the meaning of the word “hobby” on the internet, according to Wikipedia the meaning is as follows: A hobby is an activity or interest that is undertaken for pleasure or relaxation, typically done during one's leisure time. Hobbies are practiced for interest and enjoyment, rather than financial reward. Examples include collecting, creative and artistic pursuits, making, tinkering, sports and adult education. Engaging in a hobby can lead to acquiring substantial skill, knowledge and experience. However, personal fulfillment is the aim.
The meaning of hobby from “”.
A hobby is usually defined as a pastime
A hobby is usually something that you really enjoy doing which is not paid work, although people can and do make money from their hobbies.
As opposed to your work, which you may enjoy, a hobby is something of your own choosing. It is something chosen for pleasure and enjoyment. They can also provide a lot of fulfillment.
Although they are not usually done for financial gain they can lead to this for example if knitting is a hobby you could sell the finished product.
It is thought that the origin of a hobby derives from the hobby-horse. These poles were usually made of wood with a model horses head and were ridden for fun or as part of a tradition. Children still ride hobby horses which have never really gone out of fashion for children.
Having a hobby can lead to acquiring a lot of skill and, knowledge, and experience. Fulfillment is the prime aim of having a hobby.
Do yourself a favour and go read the full meaning of the word "hobby" on Wikipedia, it is most interesting.
Whole heartedly YES, I am having the greatest of pleasure in what I am doing. What is your hobby, what makes you tick? These pastime pleasures are good for our soul.
Interestingly enough, the heading of my devotional reading for today was, “The excitement of new ideas.” I believe God gives us new ideas and new pleasures, not only for ourselves but for Him. It is good for us to find a calm as one of the things mentioned in my devotion was that these new things may lead you into exciting spheres of thought and service. God after all is the author of creativity.